Your Donations Help Kiddos Thrive In & Out of Daycare and the Classroom!

School and daycare are starting soon and Little Ones will need everything from backpacks and jackets to crayons and lunch bags, along with healthy food and a safe and stable home to keep kiddos rested, alert, and ready to learn and thrive.

Whether entering daycare, mommy n’ me classes, preschool, kindergarten, or on to elementary school, Little Ones’ ability to thrive starts with having a safe and secure home whether making sure there’s food in the fridge, working utilities, or a stable home environment. Your donations help Moms provide for their Little Ones, allowing them to learn, smile, and thrive.

To best set up Little Ones to succeed in school, your donations provide nearly-new or new jackets and clothing for kiddos to put their best foot forward, food and nourishment so that kiddos can focus and engage, art and school supplies that allow kiddos to create and participate to their fullest, and the many little things that help Little Ones thrive!

Your donations help Little Ones thrive in big and small ways, in and out of the classroom or daycare. Consider making your donation a quarterly or monthly contribution and help Moms, Moms-to-Be, and Little Ones thrive throughout the year.

You can give securely online using or by check mailed to Emmanuel House International, PO Box 478, Carmel NY 10512. 

EHI’s Family of Families thanks you for all your care and support today and throughout the year.

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