When Jenna came into Emmanuel House International, she had recently found out she was pregnant. She wasn’t sure if she could be a Mom. She hadn’t planned for this. She was still in school. She was scared. But then she sat down with Rita and together they set up her individualized action plan that would let her continue her education while preparing for her Little One’s arrival. Her frown of worry turned into a smile of hope. So, when little Tristan arrived, she was ready with all the resources and support she needed to be a good Mom, along with plenty of the necessities for her baby and a plan for finishing school. GIVE NOW to help others like Jenna!

Beth was a second year college business major when she first came to Emmanuel House. She had plans to be to a financial management consultant after she graduated and no plans to be a Mom. Understandably distraught, and knowing Emmanuel House had helped other students on campus, she came for hope, comfort and practical suggestions on how she could still realize her career goals given her new circumstances. Rita met with her and helped her create her own unique action plan that incorporated her college and career goals while preparing for the arrival of her Little One. Christiana went to daycare on campus when her Mom was in class and after her Mom’s graduation, to a nursery school near her Mom’s office where she worked as a management consultant. GIVE NOW to help others like Beth!

With two Kiddos already, Rosalina wasn’t sure how she was going to afford a third, especially when it was already so hard to stretch her paycheck to the end of the month. If she was going to bring a third Little One into the world, she was going to need help. Emmanuel House was there for her and helped her create her personalized action plan that would get her what she needed to take care of her whole family, including getting assistance for everything from housing to medical, childcare and legal support. She was also able to receive baby equipment, diapers and supplies for her newest addition, clothes for herself and all her children, and emergency food gift cards for the local grocery store. When her newest Little One arrived, Rosalina had what she needed to have a safe and healthy home for all her Children. GIVE NOW to help others like Rosalina!

Liliana had lost her job but she still had bills to pay and her new daughter Anna to care for. She and her husband had gone to Emmanuel House for help before and now with Anna, Liliana knew Emmanuel House would help her get back on her feet once again. Liliana not only received the assistance she needed for her whole family but she also took part in EHI’s Annual Family Fun Day where she met other Moms in Emmanuel House’s Family of Families who became her extended Family. Whether participating in or volunteering at EHI activities and events, Liliana has found a supportive community that helps all kinds of Moms and Moms-to-Be and their Little Ones. GIVE NOW to help others like Liliana!

At Emmanuel House, our focus is always on helping Moms and Moms-to-Be get the resources and support they need to care for and provide for their Little Ones. In the six and a half years we’ve been open, Emmanuel House International has helped over 425 Families who have welcomed more than 465 Babies. Last year alone, we were able, through your generous donations, to pass on dozens of emergency food gift cards and more than 300 winter coats. Each winter, our Christmas Wish List Program provides new winter clothes and toys to more than 250 Children. In the Spring, our Family Fun Day brings together our Family of Families with families in the community for fun-filled outdoor activities and arts and crafts for the whole family.

Whether helping a Mom-to-Be prepare for motherhood, providing Moms with anything from diapers to winter coats for their Little Ones, connecting Moms with local services so they can best provide a healthy and safe home, making sure Moms have food in the fridge, or providing Moms and Moms-to-Be a safe and welcoming place for them to receive help, Emmanuel House International relies on your financial and material support to be able to do all that we do. Your support ensures that the Women, Teens and Families who come to us when they are in crisis due to unplanned pregnancies receive the help they so greatly need while making our community a better place for all.

GIVE NOW to help all the Jennas, Beths, Rosalinas and Lilianas, and all our Moms and Moms-to-Be! Help us end the year strong and continue to help Moms and Moms-to-Be “get out of crisis and on their feet” while helping Little Ones to grow and thrive.
GIVE NOW either here online or by sending a check to “Emmanuel House International” at PO Box 478, Carmel NY 10512. Please also consider setting up a monthly or quarterly donation so that our Moms and Moms-to-Be have what they need throughout the year.
Thank you so much in advance for your Gift of Life! It means so much more than you can imagine to our Moms and Moms-to-Be and their Babies and Families!
May you and yours have a very Blessed Christmas and a very happy, healthy and prosperous New Year!
Warm Regards & Best Wishes Always,