2015 Revisited with Thanks

ehi gift
As I sit here in the glow of the winter holidays, thinking about this past year, my mind immediately goes to all of you who helped us and our Moms and Moms-to-Be and their Babies and Families. I especially think of all of our generous financial donors, be it one-time or recurring; in-kind donors who have assisted in signage, supplies, fundraising, or professional services; sponsors, whether it be for the walkathon, auctions, or baby bottle drives; volunteers helping with everything from folding clothes to admin assistance; and countless others who have given time or resources to help keep Emmanuel House International open and able to serve over 300 families in need.
While we are still building a cushion in order to keep our doors open, it was local business owners, community organizations, churches (and their members), families and friends who heard our rally cry for emergency funding as we struggled to find the necessary cash to continue serving our Families in need. As with all donations, big or small, we are eternally grateful. Without your help, Emmanuel House International would not be able to help the countess families we serve.
Community partners have generously organized events such as baby showers (including one for Father’s Day), Christmas craft sales, “baby bottle” collections, diaper and formula drives, and special collections to help fund and support EHI’s numerous services. Additionally, with their help, EHI was able to raise funds through its annual walkathon, online auctions, and emergency and winter campaigns, as well as collect and deliver presents for the holiday toy and new winter clothing programs. And with the New Year, EHI will receive a wonderful new sign which will help Moms and Moms-to-Be easily find their way to our doorstep.
In just the past year, we have seen countless Moms, Moms-to-Be and even Dads and Dads-to-Be receive much-needed support whether in the form of baby and family supplies, emergency-need gift cards, or other resource assistance. With the help of Emmanuel House,Abby, a Mom of three with one on the way, was able to receive necessary resources to allow her to take care of her baby and other children which in turn gave her the ability to go back to nursing school. Sarah, a returning Mom-to-Be who had broken free from an abusive husband found herself in need of emergency assistance. With the help of EHI, she was able to receive emergency baby supplies, as well as assistance in finding housing, employment and community services. Michael, having received emergency family care resources when he found himself a Dad-to-Be while still a teenager, knows the value of what EHI offers each parent that walks through our door. So now while receiving assistance from EHI,Michael also volunteers here in order to help other families receive services when they find themselves in crisis due to an unplanned pregnancy.
As this year comes to a close, we are forever thankful for all we have received and hope to continue receiving in order to best serve Emmanuel House’s growing Family of Families. With the worst of the winter yet to come (and with the year that will follow), we know what a great gap there is for all our families, and not just AbbySarah, and Michael’s, between what they can provide and what they need to be able to take care of their Littlest Ones. They won’t be able to bridge this gap without your help – help you and only you can give. Without your help, we cannot and will not be able to keep the doors open for them or any other family in crisis to receive your help. You and only you can make a difference!
Be one of Emmanuel House’s Angels! Your “Gift of Life” for Abby, Sarah and Michael, and all of our Moms and Moms-to-Be (and Dads and Dads-to-Be) like them can make all the difference! You can be their Guardian Angel – the answer to their prayers!
So Celebrate the Season while Making a Difference in the lives of AbbySarah, andMichael and all our Families in need! Donate $25, $50, $100 or more as an Emmanuel House Angel and give the “Gift of Life” so that Moms and Moms-to-Be can receive much needed services including support and referrals, as well as material assistance with emergency baby supplies, food, gas, heat, electric, rent, gently-used clothes and baby items. Please make your life-giving gift now by using our secure online“DonateNow” link -or- by writing a check to “Emmanuel House International” and mailing it to us at PO Box 478, Carmel, NY 10521. (Remember you can receive your 2015 tax credit if you make your gift before midnight on December 31st.) You and your “Gift of Life” can make all the difference in our Moms and Moms-to-Be remembering this winter with gratitude instead of tears. So make your gift now and start making a difference now!
Thank you so much for all your gifts – past, present and future! Your gifts are so greatly appreciated – not only by us but by all our Moms and Moms-to-Be and their Families! It is generous people like you who make a real difference in their lives!
May God Bless You and Keep You Always for All You Do for His Littlest Ones (Born and Unborn) and Their Moms and Families!
Happy New Year! Best Always!
Rita O’Brien
Executive Director
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