Happy Seven Year Anniversary!

Seven years ago today, Emmanuel House International opened it doors for the first time! In the seven years since, we have been honored to help more than 465 Moms-to-Be and their Families prepare for the arrival of their Babies, including 3 Little Ones during COVID. Thank you so much for your ongoing support! We couldn’t have done it without you!

To help us celebrate, when you are getting your essentials and back-to-school supplies for your Family, please consider shopping through Amazon Smile. You can easily login to smile.amazon.com using your same Amazon ID and password and then choose Emmanuel House International Inc as the charity you would like to support. (Amazon will make a percentage donation.) By doing so you will be helping Moms and Moms-to-Be take care of their Families while you are taking care of your own.

As we prepare to reopen our doors safely for all, please consider sharing your time and talents in this especially important service. Please call Rita at 914-393-7208 for details. Be Safe and Be Well! And Happy 7th Anniversary! Your continuous support is what will allow us to open our doors again and keep them open.