You Can Make Such a Difference!
Most Women and Teens in Putnam, Dutchess, and Westchester do not know that help is only a phone call away when faced with an unplanned pregnancy! They don’t know Emmanuel House can provide them with FREE Self-Administered Pregnancy Tests, FREE Individualized Action Plans, FREE Non-Judgmental & Confidential Pregnancy and After-Birth Support & Material Assistance, FREE Referrals to Local Resource Providers for Healthcare, Insurance, Nutrition, Food, Housing, Education, Legal Services & Other Temporary Assistance, FREE Pregnancy/Delivery & Child Development Reference Materials, FREE Emergency Baby Supplies, FREE Gently-Used Maternity, Baby, Children & Adult Clothing, FREE Referrals to Thrift Shops (with Vouchers) & Donor-Provided Nearly-New Baby Equipment—and Much More! For more information, visit us at
How Can You Make a Difference? Share!
If you only share this information with everyone you know (Women and Teens (and Men too)), you will be making such a difference! Because when they or someone they know is in crisis due to an unplanned pregnancy, you will have given them the necessary resources to “Choose Life” for Their Baby and still be able to care for Their Family and Themselves. So please share this information TODAY (via email, Facebook, Twitter and old-fashioned conversations) so that when needed, they will know Emmanuel House International is here to help. “Like” us on Facebook or “Follow” us on Twitter. And go ahead and share our posts!
How Can You Make a Difference? Volunteer!
By volunteering at Emmanuel House International you will be able to share your talents—a compassionate ear (understanding the crisis she is in), a helping hand (e.g., giving out emergency items and clothing to a Mom or Mom-to-Be for Herself, Her Baby and Her Family, or a kind attitude (showing her where she can get the help she needs for Herself, Her Baby and Her Family so she can “Choose Life“). Maybe your strong suit is in organizing donations or in helping with IRS/tax filings, financials, legal assistance, social media outreach, publicity, correspondences, e-Newsletters, donor acquisition/ retention, grant-writing, or fundraising. If you have any of these talents, Emmanuel House Needs You! (Feel free to share this with a friend who may have one or more of these special skills of which we are in immediate need.) Contact Rita at (914) 393-7208 or to see how you can make a difference here at Emmanuel House.
How Can You Make a Difference? Donate!
Your financial assistance allows our office to not only operate as needed but also provide all the services mentioned above. But, as you know, all these take money. Your One-Time or Recurring Donation will make such a difference in our ability to realize our mission to help women and families in crisis due to unplanned pregnancies. Please visit our website for gift levels and possible methods of giving financial gifts. Become one of EHI’s Angels and you will make such a difference in their lives, making the choice to “Choose Life” a real possibility!
Thank you in advance for sharing your time, talents, and treasures! You will make such a difference!